Creating a new apf step ======================= *apf* was created to simplify the development of an stream processing pipeline. To illustrate how the creation of a pipeline step was intended we have the following diagram. .. image:: _static/images/apf-flow.png :align: center This tutorial will guide developers to create an example step from the installation of the framework until building and running the docker image locally. 1. Installing *apf* ---------------------- To install *apf* run .. code-block:: bash pip install apf_base This will install the package and a command line script. .. code-block:: bash apf [--help] command 2. Creating base step ---------------------- *apf* comes with a code generation tool to create a base for a new step. To create this base run .. code-block:: bash apf new-step example_step This command will create the following file tree .. code-block:: text example_test/ ├── example_test/ │   ├── │   └── ├── scripts/ │   ├── │   └── ├── tests/ ├── Dockerfile ├── requirements.txt └── The step will be a python package called `example_test`, inside the package there is a `` with the step logic. 3. Coding the step ---------------------- In `example_test/` we will code the step logic, it can be as simple as printing the message or a more complex logic. For each new message the :func:`execute()` method is called with a python :class:`dict` with the message itself. .. code-block:: python #example_test/ def execute(self,message): ################################ # Here comes the Step Logic # ################################ pass For this example we will just log the message changing the execution code to .. code-block :: python #example_test/ def execute(self,message): # Logging the message Here :attr:`self.logger` is the default logger (`logging.Logger`) from :class:`apf.core.GenericStep`. Then we can go to `scripts/`. This scripts runs the step, here we can override the consumers, producers and other plugins used in the *step*. The basic `` comes with the following .. code-block:: python #scripts/ step = ExampleTest(config=STEP_CONFIG,level=level) step.start() But you can pass callables to override the consumer, producer and metrics_sender that are otherwise defined by settings file. An alternative step initialization could look like this: .. code-block:: python #scripts/ step = ExampleTest( consumer=KafkaConsumer, producer=KafkaProducer, metrics_sender=KafkaMetricsProducer, config=STEP_CONFIG, level=level ) step.start() This can be useful for tests as well, since you can pass a mock class and do not need to rely on settings, that have more boilerplate. 4. Configuring the step ------------------------ After coding the step and modifying the script, the step must be configured. There are 2 files needed to configure a step. 1- ``: This file contains all the configuration passed to the consumers, producers and plugins. Having it separately from the main script make it easier to change configurations from run to run. For *good practice* having environmental variables as parameters is better than hard-coding them to the settings file, and comes very handy when deploying the same dockerized step with different configurations. The basic `` comes with the following .. code-block:: python CONSUMER_CONFIG = {} #Consumer configuration STEP_CONFIG = { "N_PROCESS" # Number of prcesses on multi-process script. } #Step Configuration We will test our step with a CSVConsumer .. code-block:: python CONSUMER_CONFIG = { "CLASS": "apf.consumers.CSVConsumer", "FILE_PATH": "", "OTHER_ARGS": { "index_col": "oid" } } 2- `requirements.txt` The default requirements file for any python package, for *good practice* having the package with and specific version is better than using the latest one. In this example we are using only the :class:`GenericConsumer()`, there is no need to specify parameters for this consumer. The basic `requirements.txt` comes with the current `apf` version as a required package .. code-block:: python #requirements.txt apf== By default the *apf* package is already on the requirements file, so for this tutorial we will skip this step. 5. Running the step locally ---------------------------- The step can me executed as a single process with .. code-block :: bash python scripts/ To run the step dockerized, first we need to build the step .. code-block :: bash docker build -t example_step . docker run --rm --name example_step example_step .. note:: Try using another `Consumer` configure it and run it locally to check it works. For example a `CSVConsumer` or a `JSONConsumer`