Source code for apf.core.step

from abc import abstractmethod
import abc
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Type, Union
from apf.consumers import GenericConsumer
from apf.metrics.prometheus import DefaultPrometheusMetrics, PrometheusMetrics
from apf.metrics.generic import GenericMetricsProducer
from apf.producers import GenericProducer
from apf.core import get_class
import logging
import datetime

class DefaultConsumer(GenericConsumer):
    def consume(self):
        yield {}

class DefaultProducer(GenericProducer):
    def produce(self, message, **kwargs):

class DefaultMetricsProducer(GenericMetricsProducer):
    def send_metrics(self, metrics):

[docs]class GenericStep(abc.ABC): """Generic Step for apf. Parameters ---------- consumer : :class:`GenericConsumer` An object of type GenericConsumer. level : logging.level Logging level, has to be a logging.LEVEL constant. Adding `LOGGING_DEBUG` to `` set the step's global logging level to debug. .. code-block:: python LOGGING_DEBUG = True **step_args : dict Additional parameters for the step. """ def __init__( self, consumer: Type[GenericConsumer] = DefaultConsumer, producer: Type[GenericProducer] = DefaultProducer, metrics_sender: Type[GenericMetricsProducer] = DefaultMetricsProducer, config: dict = {}, level: int = logging.INFO, prometheus_metrics: PrometheusMetrics = DefaultPrometheusMetrics(), ): self._set_logger(level) self.config = config self.consumer = self._get_consumer(consumer)(self.consumer_config) self.producer = self._get_producer(producer)(self.producer_config) self.metrics_sender = self._get_metrics_sender(metrics_sender)( self.metrics_producer_params ) self.metrics = {} self.extra_metrics = [] if self.metrics_config: self.extra_metrics = self.metrics_config.get("EXTRA_METRICS", ["candid"]) self.commit = self.config.get("COMMIT", True) self.prometheus_metrics = prometheus_metrics @property def consumer_config(self): return self.config["CONSUMER_CONFIG"] @property def producer_config(self): return self.config.get("PRODUCER_CONFIG", {}) @property def metrics_config(self): return self.config.get("METRICS_CONFIG") @property def metrics_producer_params(self) -> dict: if self.metrics_config: return self.metrics_config["PARAMS"] return {} def _set_logger(self, level): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.setLevel(level)"Creating {self.__class__.__name__}") def _get_consumer(self, default: Type[GenericConsumer]) -> Type[GenericConsumer]: if self.consumer_config: Consumer = default if "CLASS" in self.consumer_config: Consumer = get_class(self.consumer_config["CLASS"]) return Consumer raise Exception("Could not find CONSUMER_CONFIG in the step config") def _get_producer(self, default: Type[GenericProducer]) -> Type[GenericProducer]: Producer = default if "CLASS" in self.producer_config: Producer = get_class(self.producer_config["CLASS"]) return Producer def _get_metrics_sender( self, default: Type[GenericMetricsProducer] ) -> Type[GenericMetricsProducer]: Metrics = default if self.metrics_config: if "CLASS" in self.metrics_config: Metrics = get_class(self.config["METRICS_CONFIG"].get("CLASS")) return Metrics
[docs] def send_metrics(self, **metrics): """Send Metrics with a metrics producer. For this method to work the `METRICS_CONFIG` variable has to be set in the `STEP_CONFIG` variable. **Example:** Send the compute time for an object. .. code-block:: python #example_step/ self.send_metrics(compute_time=compute_time, oid=oid) For this to work we need to declare .. code-block:: python STEP_CONFIG = {... "METRICS_CONFIG":{ #Can be a empty dictionary "CLASS": "apf.metrics.KafkaMetricsProducer", "PARAMS": { # params for the apf.metrics.KafkaMetricsProducer "PARAMS":{ ## this producer uses confluent_kafka.Producer, so here we provide ## arguments for that class, like bootstrap.servers bootstrap.servers": "kafka1:9092", }, "TOPIC": "metrics_topic" # the topic to store the metrics }, } } Parameters ---------- **metrics : dict-like Parameters sent to the kafka topic as message. """ if self.metrics_sender: metrics["source"] = self.__class__.__name__ self.metrics_sender.send_metrics(metrics)
def _pre_consume(self):"Starting step. Begin processing") self.pre_consume() def pre_consume(self): pass def _pre_execute(self, message: Union[dict, List[dict]]):"Received message. Begin preprocessing") self.metrics["timestamp_received"] = datetime.timezone.utc ) if isinstance(message, dict): message = [message] self.message = message if isinstance(self.message, dict): self.prometheus_metrics.consumed_messages.observe(1) # tid = self.message.get("tid") # if tid: # tid = str(tid).upper() # self.prometheus_metrics.telescope_id.state(tid) if isinstance(self.message, list): self.prometheus_metrics.consumed_messages.observe(len(self.message)) # tid = self.message[0].get("tid") # if tid: # tid = str(tid).upper() # self.prometheus_metrics.telescope_id.state(tid) preprocessed = self.pre_execute(self.message) return preprocessed def pre_execute(self, messages: List[dict]): return messages
[docs] @abstractmethod def execute( self, messages: List[dict] ) -> Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]: """Execute the logic of the step. This method has to be implemented by the instanced class. Parameters ---------- message : dict, list Dict-like message to be processed or list of dict-like messages """ pass
def _post_execute(self, result: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]):"Processed message. Begin post processing") final_result = self.post_execute(result) if self.commit: self.consumer.commit() self.metrics["timestamp_sent"] = time_difference = ( self.metrics["timestamp_sent"] - self.metrics["timestamp_received"] ) self.metrics["execution_time"] = time_difference.total_seconds() if self.extra_metrics: extra_metrics = self.get_extra_metrics(self.message) self.metrics.update(extra_metrics) self.send_metrics(**self.metrics) if isinstance(self.message, dict): self.prometheus_metrics.processed_messages.observe(1) if isinstance(self.message, list): self.prometheus_metrics.processed_messages.observe(len(self.message)) self.prometheus_metrics.execution_time.observe(time_difference.total_seconds()) return final_result def post_execute(self, result: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]): return result def _pre_produce( self, result: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]:"Finished all processing. Begin message production") message_to_produce = self.pre_produce(result) return message_to_produce def pre_produce(self, result: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]): return result def _post_produce(self):"Messages produced. Begin post production") self.post_produce() def post_produce(self): pass
[docs] def get_value(self, message, params): """Get values from a massage and process it to create a new metric. Parameters ---------- message : dict Dict-like message to be processed params : str, dict String of the value key or dict with the following: - 'key': str Must have parameter, has to be in the message. - 'alias': str New key returned, this can be used to standarize some message keys. - 'format': callable Function to be call on the message value. Returns ------- new_key, value Aliased key and processed value. """ if isinstance(params, str): return params, message.get(params) elif isinstance(params, dict): if "key" not in params: raise KeyError("'key' in parameteres not found") val = message.get(params["key"]) if "format" in params: if not callable(params["format"]): raise ValueError("'format' parameter must be a calleable.") else: val = params["format"](val) if "alias" in params: if isinstance(params["alias"], str): return params["alias"], val else: raise ValueError("'alias' parameter must be a string.") else: return params["key"], val else: raise TypeError(f"params must be str or dict, received {type(params)}")
[docs] def get_extra_metrics(self, message): """Generate extra metrics from the EXTRA_METRICS metrics configuration. Parameters ---------- message : dict, list Dict-like message to be processed or list of dict-like messages Returns ------- dict Dictionary with extra metrics from the messages. """ # Is the message is a list then the metrics are # added to an array of values. if isinstance(message, list): extra_metrics = {} for msj in message: for metric in self.extra_metrics: aliased_metric, value = self.get_value(msj, metric) # Checking if the metric exists if aliased_metric not in extra_metrics: extra_metrics[aliased_metric] = [] extra_metrics[aliased_metric].append(value) extra_metrics["n_messages"] = len(message) # If not they are only added as a single value. else: extra_metrics = {} for metric in self.extra_metrics: aliased_metric, value = self.get_value(message, metric) extra_metrics[aliased_metric] = value extra_metrics["n_messages"] = 1 return extra_metrics
[docs] def produce(self, result: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]): """ Produces messages using the configured producer class. Parameters ---------- result: dict | list[dict] The result of the step's execution. This parameter can be an iterable or a single message, where the message should be a dictionary that matches the output schema of the step. NOTE: If you want to produce with a key, use the set_producer_key_field(key_field) method somewhere in the lifecycle of the step prior to the produce state. """ n_messages = 0 if isinstance(result, dict): to_produce = [result] else: to_produce = result for prod_message in to_produce: self.producer.produce(prod_message) n_messages += 1 if not isinstance(self.producer, DefaultProducer):"Produced {n_messages} messages")
[docs] def set_producer_key_field(self, key_field: str): """ Set the producer key, used in producer.produce(message, key=message[key_field]) Parameters ---------- key_field : str the key of the message which value will be used as key for the producer """ self.producer.set_key_field(key_field)
[docs] def start(self): """Start running the step.""" self._pre_consume() for message in self.consumer.consume(): preprocessed_msg = self._pre_execute(message) result = self.execute(preprocessed_msg) result = self._post_execute(result) result = self._pre_produce(result) self.produce(result) self._post_produce() self._tear_down()
def _tear_down(self):"Processing finished. No more messages. Begin tear down.") self.tear_down() self._write_success() def _write_success(self): f = open("__SUCCESS__", "w") f.close() def tear_down(self): pass